码云地址 https://gitee.com/zhanghao0225/JingZiQi/tree/master
-*- coding: cp936 -*-
import pygamefrom random import randint#tkMessageBox 用来弹出对话框import tkMessageBoxfrom pygame.locals import *#2-初始化游戏pygame.init()width,height=480,480#显示 样式 创建屏幕保存到变量中screen=pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))#标题pygame.display.set_caption("jingziqi")#插入图片background=pygame.image.load("bjt.png")#定义empty = 0black=(0,0,0)red=(255,0,0)blue=(0,0,255)white=(255,255,255)#创建绘制棋盘的函数def draw_game():#导入背景图screen.blit(background,(0,0))#画线#用法:pygame.draw.line(显示,颜色,开始位置,结束位置,宽度)pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (160, 0), (160, 480), 5)pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (320, 0), (320, 480), 5)pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (0, 160), (480, 160), 5)pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (0, 320), (480, 320), 5)#遍历列表中的元素及他们的下标 row横col竖 row col是下标for row, line in enumerate(state):for col, val in enumerate(line):if val == -1:#画xupper_left = (col * 160 + 5, row * 160 + 5)lower_right = (col * 160 + 155, row * 160 + 155)pygame.draw.line(screen, red, upper_left, lower_right, 5)upper_right = (col * 160 + 155, row * 160 + 5)lower_left = (col * 160 + 5, row * 160 + 155)pygame.draw.line(screen, red, upper_right, lower_left, 5)elif val == 1:#创建一个矩形.在矩形里画圆rect = (col * 160 + 5, row * 160 + 5, 150, 150)pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, blue, rect, 5)else:assert val == emptycontinuepygame.display.flip()def draw_O():#随机函数while True:row = randint(0,2)col = randint(0,2)#当空格为空的时候画圆if state[row][col] == 0:state[row][col] = 1breakdraw_game()pygame.display.flip()def is_won():for val in range(3):# 检查匹配的行三个图形是否都相同且不等于空if state[0][val] == state[1][val] == state[2][val] != empty:
return state[0][val]# 检查匹配的列三个图形是否都相同不等于空if state[val][0] == state[val][1] == state[val][2] != empty:
return state[val][0]#判断 \ 中三个图形是否都相同if state[0][0] == state[1][1] == state[2][2] != empty: return state[1][1]#判断 / 中三个图形是否都相同if state[0][2] == state[1][1] == state[2][0] != empty: return state[1][1]#初始化棋盘 def begin():global statestate = [[empty] * 3,[empty] * 3,[empty] * 3]draw_game()#首先初始化 pygame.display.flip()begin() #主循环 while True: event=pygame.event.wait()#初始化pos = Nonetemp = 0#接收到退出事件后退出程序if event.type == pygame.QUIT:pygame.quit()exit(0)#加入了按键功能elif event.type == KEYDOWN:if event.key == K_a:begin()draw_game()pygame.display.flip()elif event.key == K_s:pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(QUIT))#接受鼠标点击事件elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:#event.pos[0]代表x轴坐标 event.pos[1]代表y轴坐标pos = (event.pos[1]/160, event.pos[0]/160)row,col=pos #if pygame.mouse.get_rel()==(0,0):# continue#加一个条件让它只能在空的时候画xif state[row][col]==0:state[row][col] = -1else:continueprint posdraw_game()draw_O()#判断属性接受返回值if is_won() == -1:tkMessageBox.showinfo(title='win',message='win')pygame.quit()exit(0)elif is_won() == 1:tkMessageBox.showinfo(title='lose',message='lose')pygame.quit()exit(0)
-*- coding: cp936 -*-#1-导入库import pygamefrom random import randint#tkMessageBox 用来弹出对话框import tkMessageBoxfrom pygame.locals import *#2-初始化游戏pygame.init()width,height=480,480#显示 样式 创建屏幕保存到变量中screen=pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))#标题pygame.display.set_caption("jingziqi")#插入图片background=pygame.image.load("bjt.png")#定义empty = 0black=(0,0,0)red=(255,0,0)blue=(0,0,255)white=(255,255,255)#创建绘制棋盘的函数def draw_game(): #导入背景图 screen.blit(background,(0,0)) #画线 #用法:pygame.draw.line(显示,颜色,开始位置,结束位置,宽度) pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (160, 0), (160, 480), 5) pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (320, 0), (320, 480), 5) pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (0, 160), (480, 160), 5) pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (0, 320), (480, 320), 5) #遍历列表中的元素及他们的下标 row横col竖 row col是下标 for row, line in enumerate(state): for col, val in enumerate(line): if val == -1: #画x upper_left = (col * 160 + 5, row * 160 + 5) lower_right = (col * 160 + 155, row * 160 + 155) pygame.draw.line(screen, red, upper_left, lower_right, 5) upper_right = (col * 160 + 155, row * 160 + 5) lower_left = (col * 160 + 5, row * 160 + 155) pygame.draw.line(screen, red, upper_right, lower_left, 5) elif val == 1: #创建一个矩形.在矩形里画圆 rect = (col * 160 + 5, row * 160 + 5, 150, 150) pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, blue, rect, 5) else: assert val == empty continue pygame.display.flip()def draw_O(): #随机函数 while True: row = randint(0,2) col = randint(0,2) #当空格为空的时候画圆 if state[row][col] == 0: state[row][col] = 1 break draw_game() pygame.display.flip()def is_won(): for val in range(3): # 检查匹配的行三个图形是否都相同且不等于空 if state[0][val] == state[1][val] == state[2][val] != empty: return state[0][val] # 检查匹配的列三个图形是否都相同不等于空 if state[val][0] == state[val][1] == state[val][2] != empty: return state[val][0] #判断 \ 中三个图形是否都相同 if state[0][0] == state[1][1] == state[2][2] != empty: return state[1][1] #判断 / 中三个图形是否都相同 if state[0][2] == state[1][1] == state[2][0] != empty: return state[1][1]#初始化棋盘 def begin(): global state state = [[empty] * 3,[empty] * 3,[empty] * 3] draw_game()#首先初始化 pygame.display.flip()begin() #主循环 while True: event=pygame.event.wait() #初始化 pos = None temp = 0 #接收到退出事件后退出程序 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() exit(0) #加入了按键功能 elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_a: begin() draw_game() pygame.display.flip() elif event.key == K_s: pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(QUIT)) #接受鼠标点击事件 elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: #event.pos[0]代表x轴坐标 event.pos[1]代表y轴坐标 pos = (event.pos[1]/160, event.pos[0]/160) row,col=pos #if pygame.mouse.get_rel()==(0,0): # continue #加一个条件让它只能在空的时候画x if state[row][col]==0: state[row][col] = -1 else: continue print pos draw_game() draw_O() #判断属性接受返回值 if is_won() == -1: tkMessageBox.showinfo(title='win',message='win') pygame.quit() exit(0) elif is_won() == 1: tkMessageBox.showinfo(title='lose',message='lose') pygame.quit() exit(0)